Saturday, January 10, 2009


1. A poor friend meets a rich friend after many days. The rich friend is very cruel.

Poor friend : Do you remember me?who am i?

Rich friend: I don't remember donkeys.

Poor friend: Oh! But I remember them correctly.

2. Conversation between a surgeon and a patient.

patient: Oh! I'm really nervous about my heart surgery.

surgeon: Don't worry, in all my experience as a heart surgeon, only one patient has died.

patient: How many patients have you operated?

surgeon: You are my second.

patient: Oh! God.

3. Conversation between two friends.

John: Anil, I went to hotel for a change and rest.

Anil: Well, did you get both?

John: No, the waiter took the change and hotel took the rest.

4. Conversation between a Teacher and a Student in the history class.

Teacher: When was Akbar born?

Student: I don't know ,sir.

Teacher: Look in the book and tell me.

Student: Akbar(1542-1605).

Teacher: Why didn't you read that before?

Student: I thought it was his phone number.

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